Wednesday, October 9, 2013


People make choices on a common and regular basis. Some people have trouble deciding which option to take. Others have trouble even figuring out what options they have. One way to make an educated decision is to use a pro/con chart. Put the pros and cons in a table and they are easier to evaluate. A friend of mine actually told me that if you are really unsure of what choice to pick, flip a coin; designate heads for one choice and tails for the other. Now, see which choice lands face up and if you’re satisfied, that’s the right choice, if your disappointed than it’s the other. This works believe it or not and it’s very effective.

Thursday, August 22, 2013



Today, I will touch base on a few topics. They will revolve around expression and providing outlets for your emotions. One way that I express myself is by writing. I write everything from short stories and essays (this blog) to poetry and journaling. A second way to express yourself is through art. Art is practical and doesn’t have to be perfect let alone neat. You can splash some paint on a canvas and you have an abstract masterpiece. Another way to express yourself is through music. You may write lyrics or write music for an instrument. Either way it’s a form of expression. There are lots of other ways to express yourself that I haven’t mentioned. Go do some research and you’ll find yourself a project.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ACCEPTS (DBT) adapted by JRC

A good way to help when you're under distress or just looking for an alternative to regular coping skills is to remember the acronym ACCEPTS. A is for activities: do hobbies, walk to the park, write. C is for contribute: help out in your community or do someone a favor. The next C is for comparison: compare your situation to someone less fortunate. E is for opposite Emotion: do something to cause you to have a different feeling, if you're sad watch a silly movie, if you're mad get your energy out and shoot some hoops with a basketball. P is for pushing away: create an imaginary wall between you and the situation, take a break. T is for Think differently: counter negative thoughts with more rational and wiser ones, evaluate what's really happening and look at the big picture. S is for sensation: find a sensation to distract you from your distress; hold a piece of ice; put on lotion, smell an air freshener. You can use ACCEPTS for a lot of situations. practice and become skilled in these and you are sure to succeed.

Saturday, August 17, 2013



Habits. Almost everyone has one. Habits can be good or bad. Good habits include exercise and a good nutrition. Bad habits are like smoking or drinking. The key is to replace the bad habits with good habits. This may sound easy and simple but, depending on what you are working on it’s harder than it looks. I would say good luck and good hope where it’s good to find the way through your spirituality. All in all, habits can be tough but, in the words of Michael Jackson, “You are not alone.” 

Friday, August 16, 2013



Collages are a great way to express your feelings creatively. All you need is some magazines, paper and some glue and you’re set. I like taking eye-catching images to serve as eye candy. People like to look at brightly colored and well-toned pictures. Collages are my favorite type of art and the best part is: anything goes. No one will criticize your collage because there’s no wrong way to do it. Have a blast and try it for yourself.

Monday, August 12, 2013



Equality. I believe that everyone should be treated equally. There are no superior people among you and there are no inferior. I am completely against prejudices. People need to accept each other for who they are. Prejudices are only skin deep. There is more to a person than their looks, beliefs or preferences. If we lived in a world where everyone was accepted as equals, it would be a less cruel place.